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at worst例句
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At best Nella would be an invalid; at worst she would die.


You look a fool at the best, and a knave at worst.

你呀,说好呢不过像个傻瓜, 说坏呢不过像个流氓.

at worst some egregious minion had conducted a childish private enterprise.


at worst, the fault destroys his fiction.


at worst we'll have to sell the house so as to settle our debts.

实在 没办法我们就得把房子卖了还债.

Entrepreneurs who utter this lie look naive at best, stupid at worst.

说这种谎言的创业者看起来最多显得天真, 最坏则是愚笨.

at worst, those words and deeds will seem amusing or pitiable.

在最糟的情况下, 那些言行只会显得似乎很有趣或很可悲.

at worst some people are left with a permanent sense of failure.


at worst, they are perceived as insincere or dishonest.

最坏的时候, 他们会被看成是言不由衷或不诚实.

at worst, it could turn into a full - fledged pandemic.


at worst his scruples must have been quixotic, not malicious ( Louis Auchincloss )

从最坏的角度来说,他的疑虑肯定是出于一时冲动, 而不含恶意 ( 路易斯奥金克洛斯 )

at worst, a poor rating can put a company out of business.

最坏的可能是, 评估过低会使公司破产.

There will be at worst a few casualties in the terrible accident.


at worst you lose the money you've invested.


at worst we'll go to jail.


"at worst"的基本信息





